1 Hour Behind when Sync'd with my Smartphone



Not sure if this is an OS issue, Outlook, or whatever?

I am using Windows Vista and Outlook 2007.
If I enter an appointment on my PDA and sync it with Outlook, no problem.
However, when I sync Outlook with my Cingular Smartphone, ... that same
appointment is now 1 hour earlier on the Smartphone.

Any ideas????


You might want to make sure that you updated your Daylight savings patch for
both Outlook and your smartphone. I thought I had, and yet it keep showing I
was an hour behind. That is because it thought we were still no on Daylight
savings. Once I downloaded the patch for the smartphone and Outlook 2007, it
cleared it up. I think the patch for the smartphone was the thing that I
needed the most. Hope this helps.

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