1.0 vs 1.1 framework conflict in VStudio


Paul Wehland

I have both v1.0.3705 and v1.1.4322 of the .NET Framework installed on my

In my properties of my project in the references path, I have v1.1 listed
first, then v1.0 listed second. When I do this I cannot edit a WinForm
dialog. I get the error:
"The designer could not be shown for this class because none of
the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the
following classes in the file Form1 -- The base class 'System.
Windows.Forms.Form' cannot be designed"

The workaround is to reference v1.0 first, and v1.1 second. However when I
do this I cannot compile because there are some v1.1 features I need,
specifically FolderBrowserDialog.

The workaround works, but it cumbersome switching back and forth for editing
and compiling. Is there a better fix?

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