server error



I keep getting this message: The server has encountered an internal error
which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a
misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the
servers error log.

I looked in the error log and there was nothing there about this error.
Please help me!

Mark L. Ferguson

Windows XP is not a server, unless you mean IIS, the web server in Pro


Hi everyone,

this is a possible solution for your problem.

when u uninstall IIS he leaves 3 folders in this specific locations.

%windir%\IIS Temporary Compressed Files.

1st i uninstalled IIS
2nd reboot press f8 enter safe mode
3rd move this 3 folders to another partition just in case :) or delete it
4th re-install IIS
perform test

i hope this hint to be helpfull.

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