ping -a


Matt Fitz

Having some trouble with ping -a under Windows XP. Ping -a will not resolve
a node name. I have a Windows XP box and a Windows 2000 box side by side.
When I ping -a the address of a computer using the Windows 2000 box the name
is resolved just fine. When I do the same with the XP box the address pings
but no name is resolved. I can ping the name and that will work fine. No
problem getting connection to other machines out on the network by name with
the XP box so wins and dns are working.

Windows firewall is disabled

Any ideas?


Check to see if you have other anti-virus suites running. Some of them
contain firewalls also.

Matt Fitz

We Symantec Corporate Anti-Virus managed by a server so all machines 2000
through XP all run the same thing. The ping -a issues seems to affect all
The XP boxes. No problem seeing other machines on the network, just ping -a
does not resolve names.

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