Organize Favorites



Hello. I hope somebody can help me. I accidentally clicked on the organize
favorites button in my favorites pannel (Internet Explorer 6), I clicked
cancel. When I did it organized my favorites alphabetically. I dont know why,
if you click cancel, nothing should happen, and now I cant get it back to the
way it was. I wanted my favorites listed according to the date I added them.
Its just easier for me to find things that way. Can anyone help me please?


Dragon9206 said:
Hello. I hope somebody can help me. I accidentally clicked on the organize
favorites button in my favorites pannel (Internet Explorer 6), I clicked
cancel. When I did it organized my favorites alphabetically. I dont know why,
if you click cancel, nothing should happen, and now I cant get it back to the
way it was. I wanted my favorites listed according to the date I added them.
Its just easier for me to find things that way. Can anyone help me please?

This KB Article should help.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Windows Security, AH-VSOP

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I already have my favorites alphabetized. I DO NOT want them that way, I want
them sorted by Date Added. How can I do that?

Gary Smith

One the Favorites have been alphabetized, the only way to change their
order is to move them manually.

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