New Program Not Compatible With Windows Version



The beginning of last November, I bought a desktop publishing program by
Templatezone called OfficeReady 4.0. Windows approved. I loaded it and it
never worked properly, but I was able to use the PDF convertor portion. The
tech support was very difficult to work with. I was so busy with moving and
the holidays, I finally got frustrated, did my project on MS Publisher and
moved on. Decided to pull the program out again. Contacted tech support.
They had me uninstall and install. Now even PDF convertor won't work! So
they have me download something called Belarc Advisor that scanned my
computer innards and I sent that to them. Today I received a response that
Office Ready 4.0 is only compatible with XP Home or Office edition and I am
running XP Media. I checked sticker on back of computer and sure enough,
that is what is on my computer. I think this might explain why I have so
many problems with my computer. I have no idea why Gateway put the Media
edition on my computer. I am upset, but that is beside the point. I am
wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this, as I suspect a lot of my
ongoing problems with my computer may be related tot he existence of the
Windows Media. Is my only choice to load on Windows XP Home or Office? If I
do, will I lose all stuff? Can't I just buy or download something that will
make it act right? And yes, I know I am an idiot for not having realized
what version of XP I was running, but I have never heard of the Media edition
and the Gateway salesperson and I discussed what my new computer would be
used for (personal and light business) and I trusted him to help me get what
I needed. I know. An idot. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

Ocean Snipe7

hey, there probably is a converter for that kind of stuff somewhereyou might
try this site,

it looks like it has some stuff that you could probably use and the one that
might help you is called OpenOffice so id look throught there and find it.

not sure if the sites lagit but it has some stuff that i have on my comp so
i dont think its going to have anything on it infection wise

PA Bear [MS MVP]

...Today I received a response that
Office Ready 4.0 is only compatible with XP Home or Office edition and I
running XP Media.

Horse hockey (and there is no "Office edition")! If it's supported in WinXP
Home or Professional, it's supported in WinXP MCE.

Gateway didn't put WinXP MCE on the computer, you purchased a WinXP MCE
computer (whether you knew it/remember it or not).
...Can't I just buy or download something that will make it act right?

No, but you might be able to contest the charge (purchase) through your
credit-card company in hopes of getting you're money back.

Terry R.

The date and time was Thursday, April 16, 2009 3:04:02 PM, and on a
whim, dbs959 pounded out on the keyboard:
The beginning of last November, I bought a desktop publishing program by
Templatezone called OfficeReady 4.0. Windows approved. I loaded it and it
never worked properly, but I was able to use the PDF convertor portion. The
tech support was very difficult to work with. I was so busy with moving and
the holidays, I finally got frustrated, did my project on MS Publisher and
moved on. Decided to pull the program out again. Contacted tech support.
They had me uninstall and install. Now even PDF convertor won't work! So
they have me download something called Belarc Advisor that scanned my
computer innards and I sent that to them. Today I received a response that
Office Ready 4.0 is only compatible with XP Home or Office edition and I am
running XP Media. I checked sticker on back of computer and sure enough,
that is what is on my computer. I think this might explain why I have so
many problems with my computer. I have no idea why Gateway put the Media
edition on my computer. I am upset, but that is beside the point. I am
wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this, as I suspect a lot of my
ongoing problems with my computer may be related tot he existence of the
Windows Media. Is my only choice to load on Windows XP Home or Office? If I
do, will I lose all stuff? Can't I just buy or download something that will
make it act right? And yes, I know I am an idiot for not having realized
what version of XP I was running, but I have never heard of the Media edition
and the Gateway salesperson and I discussed what my new computer would be
used for (personal and light business) and I trusted him to help me get what
I needed. I know. An idot. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

I wouldn't beat yourself up. The website states (re: OS Compatibility),
"Windows XP SP2 Professional, Windows XP SP2 Home, Windows Vista
(English Versions Only)". I'm surprised it won't run.

If you have Publisher, why not just get a free PDF printer program?
Google for "free pdf print drivers". CutePDF and PDF4free both work
well. A lot cheaper than changing your OS to XP Pro.

Terry R.


Agree with PA Bear
Your software supplier is feeding you waffle, if the software works with
winXp it works with Media edition, which is a subset of winxp pro, and any
other flavour of WinXP

The requirement given on their site is for WinXp or Vista together with
OfficeXP or higher so your PC meets the specification

There are many free pdf convertors if thats all you need

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