Is it possible for an old dos program to print in usb dot mattrix printer?

May 28, 2013
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Hi, i got this old dos program which i succesfully installed and run in a toshiba laptop running windows 7 64 bit OS. I've used a third part program Dosbox. Everything works fine except that i cannot print it in usb dot mattrx printer (epson lx 300 ii). If i use Windows program or office word, it can print well. I understand that dos program is program to output to LPT1. Anyone has an idea how can i print my dos program to usb dot mattrix?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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yes, it's doable ... have a look HERE for an example

Mr Google has other examples. :)

Welcome to PCReview, and, good luck!

Jun 3, 2013
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I’m afraid you won’t have much luck with printing mids DosBox.
You could give this a try:

It’s based upon DosBox, focused on non-gaming, serious programs.
Addressing some shortcomings like printing.
If your application runs with DosBox, it will probably also run with vDos.

Unzip vDos.7z to a (new) folder (vDos?).
Start vDos.exe.
It should launch DataPerfect Test Drive 2.3.
You could try printing something from it and see how it looks.

Close it.
Copy your Dos application folder to the vDos folder.
Edit the autoexec.txt file:
Line 18: “cd dptest” -> “cd <your dos foldername>”
Line 21: “dpt” -> “<your dos application>”

Start vDos.exe, it should now launch your application.
If all goes well, you can create a shortcut to vDos.exe on your desktop.
Eventually set in properties start minimized for a nicer startup.

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