how to count maximum number of lines repeated for a site



Site# Serial# No. of times repeated
205 12345 4
205 5678 5
205 54785 7
310 65432 4
310 47859 6

Could you suggest with any formula to count maximum number of times a serial
number has repeated.

For Eg:
Site # Serial#
205 54785
310 47859
In the above case, for site# 205 the maximum repeated serial# is 54785 and
for site# 310 the maximum repeated serial# 47859.

Suggest me with any formula to perform this work.


One way: Copy your data to a new sheet then:

1. Data > Sort by Site # (Asc) then by No. Repeated (Desc)
2. Data > Filter > Advanced Filter, List Range: A:A, Unique records
checked OK.

Then copy the selection to a new sheet to get the list of sites and
serial numbers with maximum number of repetitions.


One way ..

Assuming source data in cols A to C, from row2 to row100 (say)

Site# is input in E2: 205, in E3: 310, etc

Place in F2, then array-enter (press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):
Copy F2 down

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