How to apply this script to disable ICF?



Please can anyone help me apply the script below. I don't know how to do it
or even where to start.

The problem I have is that in Windows 2003 Standard, I receive an error
message when I try to enable Routing and Remote Access from Start > All
programs > Admin Tools > Routing and Remote Access > Right click Server and
then click "Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access". At this point
an error occurs saying: "ICF is currently enabled on SERVER. To configure
RRAS, please disable ICF and try again."

I found in Google the following link:

It describes the same problem and gives the following suggestion to try:

within a vb script file called: enumconnection

set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
set objs = WMI.InstancesOf("HNet_ConnectionProperties")
for each obj in objs
WScript.Echo obj.GetObjectText_

within a vb script file called: listsicfistrue

set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
set objs = WMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM HNet_ConnectionProperties WHERE IsFi
rewalled = TRUE")
for each obj in objs
WScript.Echo obj.GetObjectText_

set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
set objs = WMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM HNet_ConnectionProperties WHERE IsIc
sPublic = TRUE")
for each obj in objs
WScript.Echo obj.GetObjectText_

set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
set objs = WMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM HNet_ConnectionProperties WHERE IsIc
sPublic = TRUE")
for each obj in objs
WScript.Echo obj.GetObjectText_

within a vb script file called: disableicfall

set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:\root\Microsoft\HomeNet")
set objs = WMI.InstancesOf("HNet_ConnectionProperties")
for each obj in objs
obj.IsFirewalled = FALSE

Can anyone help me as to how I can apply it ? I have no idea how to start.

Thanks a lot.

Priya Raghavan [MSFT]


Instead of the script you can use this command:

Start -> Administrative tools -> Services
Right click the ICF service from the list -> Properties
Make the Startup type as "Disabled"

This will disable ICF and you can configure RRAS.

Sean Godel

Actually turning off the service did not help me with my
ICF problem. I ended up using the vb script to correct it.
I think the reason is that there were some old network
connections that still had the firewall option enabled
in the registry. The RRAS seems to either ignore the ICF
service or in addition checks the registry for all network
connections (new and old) that may have ICF enabled.

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