Freeware to Edit & Print Ms-Word2000 file

  • Thread starter Thread starter tivoli0
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I have Ms-Word97 installed and I need to open Ms-Word2000 file.

Is there any freeware to enable me to Edit & Print Ms-Word2000 file?

Thanks for any help!

Thanks for the replies!

I really, though, would like NOT to install OpenOffice.

Any other options?

Thanks, -Tivoli9
El said:
Il 11 Feb 2006 08:55:53 -0800, tivoli0 ha scritto:

this is the best
only 11,7 MB

you can also view/print documents created with previous versions
therefore also word 2000

MS Word Viewer 2003 doesn't /edit/, one of the OP's requirements.

El Bandito said:
this is the best
only 11,7 MB

The best for what? The OP asked for "Freeware to Edit & Print
Ms-Word2000 file". You know the meaning of "edit"?

Besides, "only 11.7 Mb" for just a viewer? Now that's what I call

Freeware maniac!
Hey folks,

Thanks for the input!

I did follow one suggestion and WANTED to download that viewer,
however, MS said it doesn't support w98, my O/S.

Sooooo, I downloaded the CONVERTER PACK as it does support w98.

I installed the program and was able only to view the file, NO edit,
copy or save!!!

So, I'm back to square one...Anymore ideas WITHOUT install are

And, thanks again for sgaring your thoughts with me.

I really, though, would like NOT to install OpenOffice.

'cause it's too big or for the installation procedure (registry
modification,...) ?

In the latter case, you can use the portable version of OpenOffice (runs
also from USB key [needs 144 M]):

"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try."
by Yoda, Jedi Master (from anonymous poster)
( remove/togli 'FalselinK' to reply/per rispondere )
So, I'm back to square one...Anymore ideas WITHOUT install are

If it's possible, have the person who sent you the file save a copy in
Word97 format.

Or have someone who has Word2k load it and save it in an earlier
format for you.
Hi Al,

I know I can do that, I just DON"T want to pursue that avenue as many
time I cannot access the source.

IMHO the best solution should be a freeware, no install!

Perhaps someone can take the chalange and write a program to tap that
aftermarket...There are so many M$ users, so many backward
incompatibility and they will be here for years to come!

Thanks anyway, -Tivoli0
MC a écrit :
Bonjour !
La visionneuse Word de Microsoft ? (freeware)

I translate :
MS Word Viewer 2003

I reply :
La visionneuse ne permet pas l'édition.
Viewer doesn't allow editing.

Hervé LOTH
tivoli0 a écrit :
Hi Al,
I know I can do that, I just DON"T want to pursue that avenue as many
time I cannot access the source.
IMHO the best solution should be a freeware, no install!
Perhaps someone can take the chalange and write a program to tap that
aftermarket...There are so many M$ users, so many backward
incompatibility and they will be here for years to come!
Thanks anyway, -Tivoli0

Try Atlantis Nova...
It can open doc files (but convert it to simple rtf)...
It's very light (<1 Mo)

Hervé LOTH