Field change from text to date/time



I have a small database for my fields are
birthmonth,birthday,lastname,firstname,& i need to change my
birthmonth field,which is text, to date/time, to sort birthdays from january
1 to december 31st...i cannot remember how to change the field
attributes..can someone please explain how to do this from start to
finish..thank you!


I noticed that nobody answered. If you don't mind me being direct for

Date/Time fields have the full date (day, month, year etc). From your
description (you have no year field) you do have neither the information to
load a date/time field nor the need for one.

Your post should focus on what you have and where you want to get to rather
than on (possibly faulty) ways you are thinking about using to get there.

Your only described mission is to sort by birthdays, (with no regard to or
information regarding years). It sounds like you already 99% have the
perfect system to do that. Make those 2 digit character fields, add
leading zeros for 1 digit years. Or make them into integer fields. Then
just do a 2 field sort: By Month by Day of Month.

Hope that helps!

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