Discussion: The future


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
As we now appear to be able to discuss things without resorting to fisticuffs or shouting 'You rotter' at each other, thought I'd try this here, this is how things just might turn out.

Yes, it's political, as Skunk Anansie once sang, but I just took a look into my crystal ball and:

Dateline May 14th 2021

Figures released today by Scotlands Minister of The Interior show further gains in economic stability with more prosperity forecast during the next fiscal period.

Following Scotlands break from the UK after the 2018 referendum their independence has seen this nation go from strength to strength with record low unemployment and a strong showing in the worlds financial market.

Having a majority of SNP MP’s residing in Independence House at Dumfries seems to have worked to the paisley nations advantage and as well as progressing well economically their establishing a health service based on the UK’s former NHS has proved to be a resounding success with virtually no hospital waiting lists in any part of the country and nobody having difficulties making appointments with GP’s.

By contrast since former UK Prime Minister Theresa May abolished the NHS service in 2018 the death rate has risen dramatically in England, Wales and Northern Ireland with a backlog of burials clogging up mortuaries as government ministers try desperately to find ways to clear the backlog of cadavers.

As well as having a health service that clearly works, since Scotland gained their independence and rejoined the European Union they have managed to attract many leading medical staff including specialist surgeons and consultants and also share vital medical research into many diseases, including cancer, with their European allies.

The results of this allied research is of course information denied to the rest of the UK since they decided to opt out of EEC membership in 2016. Indeed, many UK citizens were shocked and surprised when they realised that now they had stopped Brussels making decisions for them, their own parliament were now free to make all policy making decisions for them.

As the government in power were Conservative when invoking Article 50 finally led to real independence, it came as no surprise to political observers that more or less all workers rights were scrapped and bosses were free to employ people any way they cared to. The resulting enforced austerity led to the establishment of nationwide soup kitchens and also contributed to the death rate.

Scotland, however, after establishing SNP rule, gaining independence, forming a nationwide public health service and rejoining the EEC, have become a strong nation. Their policy of accepting a number of refugees from countries such as Syria and of course allowing immigrants from EEC countries to stay also helped with their financial success. Such is the demand for workers in newly established industries in Scotland that they report a 97% employment rate amongst refugees suitable for work.

The remainder of the UK now have many problems of their own to solve, not least the pressure for independence from Wales, Northern Ireland, Cornwall and Pimlico. Many UK citizens initially migrated north to Scotland as the situations developed but since Scotland set up a strict border control with numerous checkpoints along the former Hadrians Wall line, very few UK citizens are now granted legal Scottish citizenship.

Spiggy Topes, News for London, Dateline May 14th 2021.


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Ah, yes, always like a bit of p*** taking. :D

But, remember, "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." ( Neils Bohr )



Mar 25, 2003
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Exam question of the future: "Explain how the vote for Brexit and election of Trump lead to the rise in right-wing nationalism and the start of World War 3"

It would be funny if I didn't want to cry :cry:

P.S. There's no way the land of deep fried Mars bars and Irn Bru will be free from hospital waiting lists ;)


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
... I found my birth certificate.

I'll send you all food parcels, when I can. :)


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
P.S. There's no way the land of deep fried Mars bars and Irn Bru will be free from hospital waiting lists ;)

A pertinent point ma'am ;)

My ramblings are just one of a 1001 possible outcomes for the future, who knows?

I notice the BBC news reported that those citizens of the highlands and the lowlands would now favour independence but are a lot less keen on membership of the EEC so my 'prediction' is unlikely.

However, ever since Cameron threatened the BBC with stopping their licence fee I've a lot less faith in the accuracy of their news reports.

All a bit tongue in cheek folks but the way things are going I fear Canada may become a little oasis of good sense in the future.
Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
If I was younger I think I would decamp to Australia or New Zealand which I nearly did when I came out of HMRM as a £10 Pom but at the time family ties held me back:cry:


Mar 25, 2003
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It will be really sad if Scotland does break away from the UK, though I can understand why the Scottish people would want to do it. I guess I just never envisaged living in times like these. Germany and Canada do indeed hold a lot of appeal right now!


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
If yer fed up with the UK mate then Wales is a great place to live. For instance,

4 hours parking in town 60p.
Half a dozen free range large eggs 78p in local supermarket.
Free parking at all hospitals.

Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
I love North Wales used to take the children there on holiday a great place to visit and to enjoy.:thumb:


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
I love North Wales used to take the children there on holiday a great place to visit and to enjoy.:thumb:

Yup did a lot of climbing there as I had a mate with a cottage in Bethesda. However I am now located in the south of Wales, interestingly enough known as Little England.

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