Can't login to website requiring password. SP2 problem?



I've been using a website that requires me to login with email address
and password for about a month. (It's an outdoor pursuits site: All of a sudden I found that my desktop was
logged out, and I can't get back in. Each time I enter my email
address and password I go straight to a 'HTTP 400 - This Page Cannot
Be Found' screen. I press 'Refresh' and that takes me to another login
screen. I enter my details but the login screen just comes up again,
and I go round in circles. I know I'm not entering the wrong info: I
can get in immediately by entering exactly the same info on my laptop
(which runs Windows 2000). I can use the site without being logged
in, but almost every time I click on a link I get the 'HTTP 400' error
again. If I press 'Refresh' once or twice I do get the page (mainly a
discussion forum).

Can anyone think what might have caused this? It started quite
suddenly about a week ago. I recently installed SP2: unfortunately I'd
not read up on it beforehand, and didn't realised it had caused
problems on some people's machines.

Please help if you can - this is driving me mad.


PA Bear

If the problem didn't start immediately upon installing SP2, I doubt SP2 has
anything to do with it.

Check your hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\hosts) (no extension
and not Lmhosts) for an entry for Delete any found.

Now to find the malware that caused the problem:

Help with Hijackware


Mandy said:
I've been using a website that requires me to login with email address
and password for about a month. (It's an outdoor pursuits site: All of a sudden I found that my desktop was
logged out, and I can't get back in. Each time I enter my email
address and password I go straight to a 'HTTP 400 - This Page Cannot
Be Found' screen. I press 'Refresh' and that takes me to another login
screen. I enter my details but the login screen just comes up again,
and I go round in circles. I know I'm not entering the wrong info: I
can get in immediately by entering exactly the same info on my laptop
(which runs Windows 2000). I can use the site without being logged
in, but almost every time I click on a link I get the 'HTTP 400' error
again. If I press 'Refresh' once or twice I do get the page (mainly a
discussion forum).

Can anyone think what might have caused this? It started quite
suddenly about a week ago. I recently installed SP2: unfortunately I'd
not read up on it beforehand, and didn't realised it had caused
problems on some people's machines.

Please help if you can - this is driving me mad.


SP2 has security issues with secure sites. First, try holding down the
control key and then click the log in button. Second, enter the site in
the Trusted Sites list:* and notice the "https"
not "http" and the "/*" at the end.



If the problem didn't start immediately upon installing SP2, I doubt SP2 has
anything to do with it.

I thought that too, but I suppose it's possible...
Check your hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\hosts) (no extension
and not Lmhosts) for an entry for Delete any found.

There's only one entry in it, and nothing to do with

Hmm.... I can't find anything. Adaware and a couple of other prog's
can't find a problem.

It's very frustrating! Many thanks for helping, though.



SP2 has security issues with secure sites. First, try holding down the
control key and then click the log in button. Second, enter the site in
the Trusted Sites list:* and notice the "https"
not "http" and the "/*" at the end.

I'm not sure that it's a secure site thing. I've just checked, and I
can still get to secure sites (eg my Paypal page, the checkout page on etc). I can also log into other pages for which I need a
password e.g. - the only page affected seems to be

I tried the Ctl key as you suggested, but it didn't help. I wasn't
sure what you meant by* - apologies if I'm
missing something obvious. I've put in my list
of trusted sites in IE, but that's not helped either. I don't think
I've understood you properly.

Many thanks for trying to help me!


PA Bear

Mandy said:
I'm not sure that it's a secure site thing. I've just checked, and I
can still get to secure sites (eg my Paypal page, the checkout page on etc). I can also log into other pages for which I need a
password e.g. - the only page affected seems to be

I tried the Ctl key as you suggested, but it didn't help. I wasn't
sure what you meant by* - apologies if I'm
missing something obvious. I've put in my list
of trusted sites in IE, but that's not helped either. I don't think
I've understood you properly.

The log-in page isn't a secure site (e.g., https://) anyway, Mandy.

PA Bear

Mandy said:
I thought that too, but I suppose it's possible...

There's only one entry in it, and nothing to do with

Hmm.... I can't find anything. Adaware and a couple of other prog's
can't find a problem.

Can you successfully reach the log-in page using another machine in your
home which uses the same connection? How about a machine elsewhere (e.g.,
friend or public library)?


Mandy said:
I've been using a website that requires me to login with email address
and password for about a month. (It's an outdoor pursuits site: All of a sudden I found that my desktop was
logged out, and I can't get back in. Each time I enter my email
address and password I go straight to a 'HTTP 400 - This Page Cannot
Be Found' screen. I press 'Refresh' and that takes me to another login
screen. I enter my details but the login screen just comes up again,
and I go round in circles. I know I'm not entering the wrong info: I
can get in immediately by entering exactly the same info on my laptop
(which runs Windows 2000). I can use the site without being logged
in, but almost every time I click on a link I get the 'HTTP 400' error
again. If I press 'Refresh' once or twice I do get the page (mainly a
discussion forum).

Can anyone think what might have caused this? It started quite
suddenly about a week ago. I recently installed SP2: unfortunately I'd
not read up on it beforehand, and didn't realised it had caused
problems on some people's machines.

Please help if you can - this is driving me mad.


"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message When You Try to View Web
Page on a Secure Web Site

How to troubleshoot problems accessing secure Web pages with Internet
Explorer 6 Service Pack 2


Can you successfully reach the log-in page using another machine in your
home which uses the same connection? How about a machine elsewhere (e.g.,
friend or public library)?

I can get there without a problem from my laptop, at work, and log in
with no problem at all. This computer is the only one I'm having the
problem with, but this is the one I use almost all of the time.



"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message When You Try to View Web
Page on a Secure Web Site

How to troubleshoot problems accessing secure Web pages with Internet
Explorer 6 Service Pack 2

Many thanks for the links, but the site I'm having a problem with
isn't a secure site. It's . I don't seem
to be having a similar problem with any other site that I normally
access by using a password.

Any other ideas, anyone? I don't know what to try next!



Mandy said:
Many thanks for the links, but the site I'm having a problem with
isn't a secure site. It's . I don't seem
to be having a similar problem with any other site that I normally
access by using a password.

Any other ideas, anyone? I don't know what to try next!


I know it's not a secure site, just thought there might be some
suggestion in those links to help.


I know it's not a secure site, just thought there might be some
suggestion in those links to help.

Apologies: I see what you mean now.

In fact, on the second site you mentioned I found a hint: log in as
another user and see if you can get into the site. I created a new
user, logged in and have no problem at all under that identity using
the site. Very weird.... not sure what to do!



Mandy said:
Apologies: I see what you mean now.

In fact, on the second site you mentioned I found a hint: log in as
another user and see if you can get into the site. I created a new
user, logged in and have no problem at all under that identity using
the site. Very weird.... not sure what to do!


Sorry I can't help you further, but at least you have a work around.
That's the benefit of some of these KB articles. Though they might not
address the exact problem you have the suggestions for fixing issues can
sometimes lead to a solution for your particular problem.

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