Apple Moan

Apr 23, 2003
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I would like to apologies up front for this but my annoyance has been slowly building.

I am just so sick and tired of this ongoing hype concerning Apple and its latest piece of "Technology" that is going to change the world. I can not believe the media attention this is getting, how worked up people are getting and there share price rising when they haven't actually done anything.

At first I imagined it was the Apple executives being extremely smart to build up such hype and they are clearly good at it but it just seems Apple could make any product and people would go crazy over it. A majority of people just seem to buy Apple products just because they are made by Apple. People just seem to ignore the actual performance and usefulness of the product. Everyone focuses on how beautiful it is.

However what really gets to me is the way they con people out of more money when they release a "New" and "Improved" product. The iPhone being the classic example. As far as I can tell the new versions have just added functionality which is already wide-spread. A video recorder for example or a change of colour

I do believe Apple hold back some functionalities so they can release a "New and Improved" version in a year or so. I can guarantee that the same will happen with this product.

I can not blame this all on Apple, as it is us the consumers who drive it. I know that not all Apple users think like this but it is clear a lot of them purchase Apple products because they get to show off.

I accept that Apple have been able to create this hype because they have in the past released revolutionary products such as the Ipod but this does not allow to build up such hype to an extent where some people, I'm sure, will feel forced to purchase this product just so they can "fit in".

These are my personal views and I’m sure people will disagree with me but I just had to get it off my chest.

Thanks for reading.



Feb 23, 2002
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Good to hear from you again DA :D

I totally agree with most of that. I don't really like Apple as a company, for many of the reasons you said - for example, holding back many of the iPhone/iPod touch functions and they making you pay for it at a later date. I'm also annoyed at the lack of interoperability with other products. My phone used to work in one particular model dock, but since a firmware update it tells "this accessory is not designed to work with the Apple iPod".


Jan 31, 2005
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Ian Cunningham said:
My phone used to work in one particular model dock, but since a firmware update it tells "this accessory is not designed to work with the Apple iPod".

Thats a bit dirty isn't it?

I take it it wasn't an official Apple dock?


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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I`m a recipient of a product from the afformentioned company. I recieved it as a seasonal gift and am really pleased by appearence,style,functionality and ease of use..The video camera is crystal clear and is a mini tv...
Apple Ipod 8gb nano 5th generation ( ...excellent ....)

Oblivious to everything advertisment wise ..sure is a favourite gadget of mine


But everyone to their own opinion..:wave:
Apr 23, 2003
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Well after all the hype it is what everyone was expecting. A tablet PC.

Well to be honest I haven't read to much into it but it looks like a big Ipod to me.

A quote from the BBC made me laugh tho:

"The device, which looks like a large iPhone, can be used to watch films, play games and browse the web".

Revolutionary!! :p


Feb 23, 2002
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V_R said:

Thats a bit dirty isn't it?

I take it it wasn't an official Apple dock?

It was just a cheapy from Sainsburys. I had the same message from a charger I bought when I needed a spare. Really annoyed me, as they must have a way to detect non-apple products. Perhaps companies are supposed to pay royalities to them.

That said, I do really like my iPhone... just not Apple ;)


Jan 31, 2005
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floppybootstomp said:
I can see the sense in a big phone like V_R's thingummyjig
:eek: My phones not big! It just has a big screen. :D

It was just a cheapy from Sainsburys. I had the same message from a charger I bought when I needed a spare. Really annoyed me, as they must have a way to detect non-apple products. Perhaps companies are supposed to pay royalities to them.

That said, I do really like my iPhone... just not Apple ;)
Hmmm, thats still bad, they shouldn't be able to dictate what accessories you buy and if they are Apple branded or not. As you say though. i also appreciate the iphone for what it is, Just not what Apple is if you get me. After all if it wasn't for the iphone HTC/Google may not have made the Nexus One. :D


Sep 30, 2005
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V_R said:
Hmmm, thats still bad, they shouldn't be able to dictate what accessories you buy and if they are Apple branded or not.

They can do what they like it is their product and their company. It is called freedom !



Sep 30, 2005
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"DRM is used by Apple to restrict users' freedom in a variety of ways, including blocking installation of software that comes from anywhere except the official Application Store, and regulating every use of movies downloaded from iTunes. Apple furthermore claims that circumventing these restrictions is a criminal offense, even for purposes that are permitted by copyright law.

Organizing the protest, Free Software Foundation (FSF) operations manager John Sullivan said, "Our Defective by Design campaign has a successful history of targeting Apple over its DRM policies. We organized actions and protests targeting iTunes music DRM outside Apple stores, and under the pressure Steve Jobs dropped DRM on music. We're here today to send the same message about the other restrictions Apple is imposing on software, ebooks, and movies. If Jobs and Apple are actually committed to creativity, freedom, and individuality, they should prove it by eliminating the restrictions that make creativity and freedom illegal."

The group is asking citizens to sign a petition calling on Steve Jobs to remove DRM from Apple devices. The petition can be found at:

"Attention needs to be paid to the computing infrastructure our society is becoming dependent upon. This past year, we have seen how human rights and democracy protesters can have the technology they use turned against them by the corporations who supply the products and services they rely on. Your computer should be yours to control. By imposing such restrictions on users, Steve Jobs is building a legacy that endangers our freedom for his profits," said FSF executive director Peter Brown.

Other critics of DRM have asserted that Apple is not responsible, and it is the publishers insisting on the restrictions. However, on the iPhone and its new tablet, Apple does not provide publishers any way to opt out of the restrictions -- even free software and free culture authors who want to give legal permission for users to share their works.

"This is a huge step backward in the history of computing," said FSF's Holmes Wilson, "If the first personal computers required permission from the manufacturer for each new program or new feature, the history of computing would be as dismally totalitarian as the milieu in Apple's famous Super Bowl ad."

Apr 23, 2003
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I think Itunes is where my annoyance with Apple began. First it was just the number of times the software crashed on me but then it was the number of songs which I legally purchased but then lost due to formatting or what ever other reason. I don't think it is right that you are only allowed to use Itunes software when you have an Ipod product.

I think a general rule for apple is they make good hardware but there software is a lot to be desired.

Mar 5, 2004
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I've had this moan with people a lot lately. I think they're a dirty and underhand company.

I hate the fact that they slated Microsoft and went down the 'cool / trendy' path. They're basically worse than Microsoft now for fleecing people out of money.

I have an iPod touch, and it's a great little device. However, Apple have stopped a lot of my apps that I've downloaded from working because I don't have the latest version of the iPod software. This was a bit annoying so I went to upgrade it, and they want money for it?!! How ridiculous is that. They stop your apps working and then charge you to get them working again!!
Feb 16, 2009
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I bought myself an iphone at yearly treat. I bought it cos i wanted a decent phone/ camera combo and has a net browser. They can keep all their other apps apart maybe(and a big maybe) from a game or two, if i ever have the time.
I too hate the way apple tries to control everyone....its freaky if you ask me.
Jan 28, 2010
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I am very new here...Apple in my opinion is for coffee shop wanna bee's.In otherwords those that wanna look good.; To me if you wanna use an Apple you need to be a serious music or image manipulator...As for it been a bif iPhone..Read the data, thats allI can say..I lovve Windows, but I also lovbe Apple/Mac for my design work....
Mar 5, 2004
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Haha. It is freaky.

But what's freakier, is how they seem to have this army of unpaid Apple deciples that wander around like zombies telling everyone how good they are! That's freaky!! lol.
Apr 23, 2003
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bodhi said:
Haha. It is freaky.

But what's freakier, is how they seem to have this army of unpaid Apple deciples that wander around like zombies telling everyone how good they are! That's freaky!! lol.

Stephen Fry must be there leader.


Sep 30, 2005
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captain zed said:
I too hate the way apple tries to control everyone....its freaky if you ask me.

Come on you guys, you did read up on the products before you bought them , didn't you ? ;)

Whats freaking me out is the way you windows (we have been assimilated into the great almighty Redmond Robot Cash Machine :p) using folk are freaked out by Apple's total control software


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Abarbarian said:
Come on you guys, you did read up on the products before you bought them , didn't you ? ;)

Whats freaking me out is the way you windows (we have been assimilated into the great almighty Redmond Robot Cash Machine :p) using folk are freaked out by Apple's total control software

Thassa good point :D

I do own two i-Pods meself :blush:

An 80Gb with all of the disco stuff on and a 30Gb for meself.

I like them both. I even quite like Apple.

My main criticism is compared to an 'IBM' machine you get too little for too much cash at the expense of nice styling.

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