Windows update always fails with "Setup cannot copy the file..."


Denis Haskin

Okay, I'm going a little nuts here...

Windows Update has stopped working on my Windows 2000 machine, whether
through automatic updates or by me manually going to the windows
update web site. I'm at a complete loss as to why.

Here's what happens: as an example, I go to the windowsupdate web
site, pick an update (it happens with all of them), click Install Now,
the Web Page Dialog comes up, it's downloaded, then install progress
starts, but then I get a popup dialog with the error:

"Setup cannot copy the file dao360.dll"

and it indicates it's trying to copy it from e:\f87467d06c1b141c6e.
This directory exists, and the dao360.dll file is there and readable
by me.

I think from the various log files the problem is that it's failing
trying to copy this dll into C:\WINNT\system32\DllCache\

Any idea how this happened, and what I can do to fix it?

Much thanks in advance,


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