Reporting Bugs?



Where exactly is one supposed to go to report bugs found in AntiSpyware?
I've already found several...

Bill Sanderson

Public beta's don't usually have a bug reporting mechanism, I'm afraid.

One way to get the job done would be to post the bugs in the appropriate
group here--maybe with a subject like [bug]........
and hope that another reader here who might be part of a technical beta can
make the report.

Posting clear replication steps in a message here is the best I can suggest.


One way to get the job done would be to post the bugs in the appropriate
group here--maybe with a subject like [bug]........
and hope that another reader here who might be part of a technical beta
can make the report.

Hmm ok, but if you aren't having people test for bugs, then what is the
point of even having a public beta?

Bill Sanderson

codemastr said:
Hmm ok, but if you aren't having people test for bugs, then what is the
point of even having a public beta?
They definitely want to hear about real bugs. I'm quite certain that
Microsoft staff are observing what goes on in these groups. They may not
have the staff to deal with full follow-up of bug reports in the volume that
could be generated by a beta the size this one is going to become.

Part of the point of the public beta is to get the code out there in as many
hands as possible as quickly as possible, because the need is substantial,
and the product is already reasonably mature and well-tested. I'm certain
that there are bugs left though, and clear reports are undoubtedly welcome
in these groups.

I can't speak for Microsoft on this--I'm just pontificating based on
experience--but that's my take on the situation so far, anyway!

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