Problem Using GUID as SQLDataSource Parameter


Wayne Wengert

Using VSNET2005. I want to insert some rows into a table. Each row has 2
columns, "memberid" which is a GUID and "Interests" which is a varchar. I
created a SQLDataSource with the values to insert as parameters as shown
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$
ConnectionStrings:GoodSamSiteDB %>"

DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [gs_MemberInterests] WHERE [memberid] = @memberid
AND [Interest] = @Interest"

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [gs_MemberInterests] ([memberid], [Interest])
VALUES (@memberid, @Interest)"

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [gs_MemberInterests] WHERE ([memberid] =


<asp:parameter Name="memberid" Type="Object" />

<asp:parameter Name="Interest" Type="String" />



<asp:SessionParameter Name="memberid" SessionField="currmember"
Type="Object" />

<asp:SessionParameter Name="Interest" SessionField="currinterest"
Type="String" />



<asp:parameter Name="memberid" Type="Object" />

<asp:parameter Name="Interest" Type="String" />




When I try to do the insert I get the following error:

================ Error ===================

Disallowed implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to data type
uniqueidentifier, table 'DB_136571.dbo.gs_MemberInterests', column
'memberid'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.


The code to set and use the memerid parameter is shown here


Dim guidMemberid As Guid = CType(user.ProviderUserKey, Guid)

Session("currmember") = guidMemberid

Dim item As DataListItem

For Each item In DataList1.Items

If Not (CType(item.FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox) Is Nothing) And
CType(item.FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox).Checked Then

Session("currinterest") = CType(item.FindControl("CheckBox1"),


End If

Next item


What is the right way to do this?

Wayne Wengert

Thanks JR. That seems to have cleared that problem. What do I do that caused
that to get added to the code?

Also, if I may, will the insert process automatically use the session values
for the parameters as specified in the select statement? I am not clear on
what makes the insert statement use my session values.


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