Poor Theodore and his chicken pox


Cookie Monster
May 21, 2004
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Hey all,

Not really for a computer forum but its interesting none the less.

On Thursday morning (3rd December) my son Theodore had a few spots come up on his back. Me and the missus instantly knew it was chicken pox as his pre-school he goes to has signs up saying chicken pox is going around so if your kid hasn't had it yet they will do soon.

So we get chamomile lotion, oats (apparently oats in a bath are good for soothing skin), tea tree oil, calpol and some other creams recommended to ease the itching and pain. Cost us a fortune naturally but you'd do anything for your little one. He didn't sleep much Thursday or Friday night but was fine during the day, not surprising he didn't sleep much as the spots were mental, literally everywhere including eyelids, in his ears, on his nose, on his lips, fingers the list goes on. So he spent most of Friday and Saturday in oat+tea tree baths as that was the only time he wasn't itching or in pain.

Saturday evening he got himself in a right state by crying non stop and wriggling around in pain. We asked him where the pain was coming from the most and he said round his groin area. We had a look and there were 2 massive, extremely red and sore looking chicken pox spots. 1 was on his scrotum the other on his lil cocktail wiener. They looked mega sore and painful, he could barely walk. We rang 1111111 (non emergency health line) we had to take him to the walk in center. The doctor examined him and instantly prescribed some cream and penicillin and said if it isn't better in 48 hours to come back straight away.

We got home and tried to give him some of the penicillin which he literally threw up instantly (along with his dinner). We just thought he was tired, grumpy and just run down so we thought we'd try again in the morning after some rest. In the morning he took his penicillin eventually after ALOT of coaxing (we now have to get him a storm trooper build a bear and a trip to toys r us). He has to take this penicillin 4 times a day for 7 days. When it came to the second dose of the day he threw it back up like the day before after getting himself in a state saying it taste's horrible. So I tried mixing it with water, fruit shoot, yogurt, ice cream, sugar, syrup and he still just spat it back out. I tried it and it was truly horrendous, even i'd struggle to keep it down.

So we had to ring 1111111 again and this time we got sent to a different hospital. We spoke to the GP and he examined Theodore and instantly said there was something wrong. He said he definitely has a hernia. That is why his testicle and groin look and feel so bad. So the GP rang a surgeon who hesitantly come down but upon seeing the hernia was immediately concerned and booked him in for an operation as soon as possible. He also said he needs to push the hernia back in now and Theodore is going to be in a great deal of pain for a minute or so :( . So I hugged Theodore and the surgeon pushed the hernia back in like a boss to be fair, no faffing about.

So me and Theodore had to stay in hospital over night waiting for his surgery in the morning, which has been and gone very successfully and he's now in hospital another night with his mum. He has to stay in another night because he has chicken pox and has just had anesthetic which messes with his immune system to fight chicken pox which can in turn give him chest/lung problems so they have him in under observation.

So its been pretty much rubbish 5 days in total. I've lost 2 days pay and my attendance bonus at work, its cost around £50 in food and parking at the hospital and most importantly we have a poorly little man :(.

Thank god for iPads! As he's got chicken pox he's not allowed to play with the ward toys or leave his room for risk of spreading. So he's lived on an iPad. There is a TV in his room which has no remote or areal for that matter. He's an extremely active little man who lives on bikes, scooters, quad bikes, kiddy coupes etc etc so keeping him in a single dingy room is hell for him.


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
Oh no, the poor little guy! Sounds like it took a nasty turn, but I'm glad to hear he's in good hands now. Wishing him a speedy recovery :nod:


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Aww, an awful experience for Theodore and very worrying for you and Mrs Reef. Very best wishes to the young man, we wish him a very speedy recovery and hope he will feel much better very soon. :nod:


Cookie Monster
May 21, 2004
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We finally got home from the hospital today. Theodore's not supposed to be doing anything strenuous for 6 weeks! How can you get a 4 year old not to be wild for 6 weeks god only knows. All he does is fight me all the time, play on bikes and scooters, lifting, climbing, running and everything else.

This is going to be difficult to say the least. Hes got a go kart, electric scooter and wiggle scooter for christmas which are all outiside active toys :blush:.


Mar 25, 2003
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He must be very happy to be home! Good luck with keeping him from being active... :lol: How about introducing him to something like Minecraft? Might catch his attention and keep him still for a bit ;)


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Glad to hear Theodore is at home with you again. Sounds like you have quite a task on your hands to keep him from anything too strenuous. Maybe some very soothing music to lull him... okay, maybe not. :D


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Bloody hell, that sounds well mean :(

Good luck to Theo and when all is back to normal treat yourself and other half to some well-deserved R & R.

I had chicken pox at 6 years old and I've still got the scars on my forehead to prove it - don't scratch!


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Always better to get chickenpox as a child. It can be much more serious if you get it as an adult.

Friend of mine got it in his thirties and it appeared just as he arrived in the Carribean. He spent the next two weeks in bed in his hotel feeling ghastly. He started to feel better just as he got home. ;)


Cookie Monster
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
He already seems fine, just has to pace himself. He's alrwady running round, jumping and rolling about like a looney. Had the bandage off and its a nice neat cut about 2 inch long. Probably barely scar.


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Very glad to hear that the healing process is going well for your "mini tornado!" :D Here's to his speedy recovery. :thumb:


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
I'm glad to hear he's doing well! It's good that he has time to recover before Christmas - I imagine trying to keep him from being too active then would be nigh on impossible!! :lol:


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Phew what a tale. Good job you managed to get a second opinion. Sounds like things are all getting back to normal :lol:so you should be able to enjoy Xmas.
Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
I am so glad the little chap is recovering, they usually do they put us adults to shame, but make sure he does not overdo it.:thumb::thumb::thumb:

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