import excel file to separate tables in access data base



each day i want to import 1 excel file to my data base, this excel will be
updated each day, and information of this excel file must be imported/append
in 3 separated tables. it means some columns in 1st table some others in 2st
table and rest of them in third one, how can do this authomaticly by code?

Thanks in advanced.


Hello Masoud,
Access doesn't have any kind of scheduler unless you want to build one you
might search the internet for solutions like that.
As for the importing part I would suggest that you import all columns in the
temporary table, for example create tblTempImportData and import all comuns
in there and then run append query selecting only those columns that you want
to append to the perticular table. I would then start another query and do
the same for other table, and so on.
I would like to se some more info on what exactly are you doing before going
any further but this should be of some help


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