form question..??



hello everyone!
You know how yu can open a general template from
excel...such as "invoice" and it shows up on yur screen
like a piece of paper with the form? and it blacked out
from behind like it was scanned in but yu can fill out
the entry and so on. Are we able to create our own like
that or will it just be a protected sheet or workbook?
curious, i was helped to protect my shet and allow users
to fillin the required cells. but when we open it
looks like a data sheet anyways. not like the form micro
soft had incorporated into the "general templates" . is
this from the program itself? Can i create one like that?
Thanks in advance!! :) mike

Otto Moehrbach

That's all from the program itself. And yes, you can create one just
like that. But how to do it is too broad a question to answer here. Post
back and ask questions related to a specific thing you want to do. HTH

Gord Dibben


Formatting, formatting, formatting.

Select all cells by hitting CRTL + A

Format>Cells>Patterns> Select Black(top left box)>OK

Now all cells are black.

Select a range say C3:I30 and Format to "No Color"

Tools>Options>View. Uncheck "gridlines". You now have a white block on which
to work.

Enter titles, add borders, unlock cells for data insertion etc. Use functions
such as "center acros selection". Try to stay away from "merging" cells.
They can cause problems later, but in your case, perhaps not.

Not difficult, just time-consuming.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


thank yu , i kinda figured it was incorporated in the
program. i will post back as i go along. thanks!!


like the idea, i have time and i need it to be good. what
do you mean by "center across selection" and where is
that function? thanks again!1

Otto Moehrbach

Center across selection:
Select A1. Type your name (or anything you want).
Hit Enter
With A1 selected, select A1:F1.
Click on Format - Cells - Alignment tab.
In the Horizontal: box, click on the drop-down arrow and select Center
across selection.
Click OK
Now your entry is centered across A1:F1. But note that your entry is still
in A1. It just appears centered across A1:F1. HTH Otto

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