Ask not

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Ask not what PC Review can do for you - ask what YOU can do for PC Review

There are many, many hundreds of registered members here, and quite a few are regular visitors and posters - however there are only 6 members which are currently active 'crunchers' for the PC Review Distributive Computing team - The PCReview Crew II.

What is Distributive Computing? - well it is using the unused processing power or cycles of your computers(s) to help solve medical problems.......This is where you come in.....It would cost a great deal of money for these research companies to buy the processing power required, and so they ask for help from the general public. By simply downloading the relevant software, anyone can let their computer 'crunch' data, with the aim of finding such things as a cure for Cancer/Aids/Muscular Dystrophy etc.

The program runs in the background while your computer is switched on, and you can go about your normal daily business without noticing any difference - it runs at the lowest priority, is unobtrusive and only uses the processor cycles that your other running programs are not using at the time.

The Team here crunches for World Community Grid, which runs research projects to help find cures and medicines to combat Cancer, Aids, Dengue Fever, Human Proteome and also work to help predict and combat the effects of climate change in Africa. You can choose to run them all, some or individually - its entirely up to you.

All the research is entirely NON-PROFIT making, and all completed research papers/data is freely available for any Research Charity (such as Cancer Research), company or individual to access and use.

How can I help? - you can register and download the software (BOINC) onto your computer from the World Community Grid website (WCG) HERE, and also join our crunching team at the same time or later via this link -The PCReview Crew II.

Once BOINC is installed using the username and password you registered at WCG with, you can login to the WCG site and go to your 'My Grid' page and select what projects you wish to run. You can also visit the link for the Forums and say Hi in our Team Thread.

Whats in it for me? - There are no financial rewards for doing this, but there is the deep satisfaction that by merely contributing those unused computer cycles when you are using your computer, you are helping find cures for some of the Worlds most devastating Illness and Diseases, many of which may sadly strike You, your Family and your Friends at any time - who knows, it could be the one tiny single work unit that YOU crunch that leads to that all important breakthrough.

Your contributions are however recognised by PC Review by the awarding of a 'Custom User Title' without waiting for the usual post qualification.

There is also a special 'Crunchers Corner' section here where Daily Statistics for the Team are posted, along with any project updates, issues and user problems may be posted.

As stolen & copied from an Ady post on Crunching........sue me.....and if you can't find sue then ask for grace!!


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score

Well said, Feckit. :thumb:

And remember folks, that you don't have to leave your computer on all the time, you can be crunching, in the background, simply when your computer is being used.

Come on, join the Crunchers. We need more help. :)


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
I installed WCG on my new pc 2 weeks ago and have been crunching well. That i5 processor is doing good. Just did a factory reset on my Acer and once updates are done I will install WCG and get that i3 processor doing its thing. And once I can get a download that works I will install WCG on my i7 Macbook Pro :)
Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
Well said Feckit I am a great supporter of crunching but not sure how to get the download on to my PC as I am now using Linux Mint and not sure of " Command Line" if any out there can give me assistance I would be very grateful as I haven't been crunching since December.:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
On the projects page I clicked `Select All'. Are there specific projects the Team supports?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
World Community Grid, at or near the bottom of the list. :)

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