WCG Stats Wednesday 28 June 2023

Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
WCG Daily Team Stats - The PCReview Crew II

Today's stats for
Wednesday 28th June 2023 
                                         New         New  |            Total      Total    CPU Time
+/- #    Member Name                   Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
--  1    nivrip                        40,672         54  |      117,588,005    284,402   107:10:29
--  2    Taffycat                      45,762         73  |       92,624,024    153,774      47:8:4
--  3    MajorMellons                  58,236         94  |       74,998,289    192,138      58:1:4
--  4    CITech                             0          0  |       68,562,423    312,008      33:4:9
--  5    AbsoluteKevster                    0          0  |       44,494,616     80,983     45:2:28
--  6    grahamperdeaux                     0          0  |       43,398,129     60,421     22:1:27
--  7    blow85                             0          0  |       34,185,581     70,105      18:0:1
--  8    Evan29                        50,880         81  |       21,423,992     35,186     11:2:14
--  9    Quadophile                         0          0  |       15,723,891     24,299     10:7:25
--  10   LoneWolf_53                        0          0  |       15,046,120     71,982      23:1:7
--  11   aviking                            0          0  |       15,002,505     33,316     4:10:24
--  12   Urmas                              0          0  |        6,251,185     10,424      4:4:13
--  13   mike047                            0          0  |        2,976,854      6,861      3:3:21
--  14   Rush                               0          0  |        2,391,072      6,016     3:11:29
--  15   Dataman                            0          0  |        1,244,406      4,294       1:8:6
--  16   Rudi the Red                       0          0  |          104,095        303       0:2:8
--  17   TLD                                0          0  |           99,054        209       0:2:2
--  18   cswchan                            0          0  |           37,588         46      0:1:15
--  19   Sport                              0          0  |            4,135          8       0:0:6
--  20   lukeyg                             0          0  |              653          2       0:0:0

=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
                                          New        New  |            Total      Total   Team Time
                                       Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
                                 ------------  ---------  |  ---------------  ---------  ----------
Team Total                            371,192        571  |    1,449,258,301  3,229,999    717:5:12
                                 ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========

Team Rank 216



Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Just noticed that the Team Total for points is not the sum of the individual points shown. And nor is Total for results ??????

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