nvidia display drivers



Hi guys!

I have been trying to access secondlife and it keeps failing due to my
graphics card. I need to update my driver but can't seem to find it

I have an Nvidia 420 go 32MB card on a multivision laptop - sure it
meets the required specs!

I have checked the Nvidia site but they don't seem to have them!!??
Said that I need to contact manufacturer (who no longer exists by the

Can anybody help me?


I just re-checked and am pretty certain my pc is upto spec.

Sorry, I actually have a Nvidia GeForce4 420 go 32MB

Site recommends updating driver (which is now a good few years old) -
just can't find a suitable one


Hi guys!

I have been trying to access secondlife and it keeps failing due to my
graphics card. I need to update my driver but can't seem to find it

I have an Nvidia 420 go 32MB card on a multivision laptop - sure it
meets the required specs!

I have checked the Nvidia site but they don't seem to have them!!??
Said that I need to contact manufacturer (who no longer exists by the

Can anybody help me?

This may explain it


Is your manufacturer listed??

What is 'secondlife' - sorry re my ignorance.



Manufacturer is not listed but I will see if they still have a site on
the go

FYI - second life is some kind of virtual world / kind of a game. I saw
it on the news the other day and thought I would give it a whirl -
looked pretty good.

You can find details at http://secondlife.com/

Thanks for your help :)


Then your choice is a driver from nVidia for a multi model of GPU. I assume
your OS is XP - silly Q I know, but.....
Or if it is by another maker like msi, gigabyte etc then their site for a
more selected driver.
Good luck

Paul Johnson

Hi guys!

I have been trying to access secondlife and it keeps failing due to my
graphics card.

Don't. Linden Labs has some very bad things going for it when it comes to
using Second Life.

1) Credit card database recently stolen.
2) Password database recently stolen.
3) Software is widely regarded as buggy, and is unplayable for more than an
hour at a time due to memory leaks.

Linden Labs is considered harmful: Don't use Second Life or any of their
other products if you value security and stability.

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