Ipod Nano 4GB A Mini Review


Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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Ipod Nano 4GB

After hearing so much about Apple Ipods and how good they were, I decided to try out one of there Nano range and here is a short review after owning it some 6 weeks now..

First thing that struck me was how small and thin and light the Ipod Nano was when I first took it out of its clear plastic container, it felt solid in my hand and luxurious to the touch, you could tell it was a quality item..






The front of the Ipod Nano is an anodised aluminium and the rear of the Nano was chrome which was luxurious to look at and touch but was instantly transformed into fingerprint heaven within minutes..


Bottom of the Ipod Nano is where everything connects the USB cable in the centre and the earphone socket to the right, far left is a switch for locking the Ipod on or off so as to keep that all important battery from running down if the Nano got knocked on in your pocket.


The Ipod was accompanied by a one metre USB charging cable which is also used to actually upload music and files to the device aswell, also in the box were an Ipod docking adaptor for plugging into the many universal docking stations and clock radios you see in most of the high street stores, so your Ipod will fit any you come across.. There was the obligatory pair of white Ipod earphones which although not great were ok for most listeners, but which went straight in the bin and were replaced by my Pioneers, as I do value sound quality and want to be hearing the lows and highs when listening to my music..

Turning the player on you are greeted with the Ipod split screen and what a screen this new Nano has, it visually is stunning and watching Videos or movies on the Nano is great, its only a 2inch LCD but its 320x240 pixel resolution at 204 pixels per inch is gobsmackin for such a small screen.




Music wise it sounds fantastic and all my albums were uploaded within a couple of hours..This new Nano has a new feature called Coverflow which actually lets you see your albums picture cover whilst browsing through your album collection, and you can select the album you want to listen to this way. It really makes it feel like you are actually selecting a real album as opposed to just finding a filename and selecting that, A very clever feature.
The software that comes with the Ipod Nano is Apples Itunes and this allows you to purchase content such as music and video over the internet and play back on your Ipod, the software is very clunky in operation and took me a fair few hours to get my head round before being able do most operations without any problems..Apple really need to look at getting this software sorted out and iron out all the bugs, but I think its only like that because Apple want you to purchase all your content from the Itunes website as opposed to using content you already have on your pc or in your CD library.

You can upload pictures of family or friends and even store files from your computer to make this into a hard drive storage device, the Ipod Nano also acts as a recorder storing free podcasts downloaded from the internet for listening to later and the Nano is a great Audiobook reader for those long journeys, tv programmes can be downloaded from Itunes for a fee to playback later when you have more time, so you don't miss your favourite show..Battery life on this new model Nano is around 5 hours for watching video and movies and around 20 hours for listening to music or audiobooks.

There are many accessories out there for Ipods and first on the list for me was a case, theres a choice of hard plastic, soft skins and for the more discerning Ipod enthusiast theirs leather, after seeing a really nice leather case in Virgin for £13 I promptly purchased it and this has made a massive difference to me not having to worry about scratching the screen or the chrome backplate, and it looks great.




All in all I would have no problem recommending this Ipod Nano to any member of the public out there be they young or old, its easy to use and a cinch to watch videos on..Audiobooks are a dream on the train..

So there you have it a mini review that I hope helps someone out there who's in the market for an Ipod Nano..:D
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Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Excellent review CL :thumb: I am one of those people who has fancied the idea of an i-Pod but wasn't too certain about what was what on them... now I know ;) A jolly informative piece if I may say so :D


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent review crazylegs, with great accompanying photos :)! I know a few people that have one of these and they all really like them, the screens on the new iPod ranges are superb - it makes you wonder what they can do to improve them in the next generation.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Good stuff CL :thumb:

I bought my niece the exact same one for Christmas and she's really happy with it.

I do like the new features like the album cover flippin' thingie, makes my two year old 30Gb Video I-Pod look positively ancient... ;)

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