Flops' Friday mini blog


Sep 30, 2005
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Callous perhaps, but true.

Bear in mind I was a passenger, not driver, and we were all aged 18 or 19.

Life is strange.

Yup life is strange.

Appreciate the fact that you were all young and you were just a passenger. The pc was really lucky that he did not slip of the bonnet and go under the wheels .



Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Yup life is strange.

The pc was really lucky that he did not slip of the bonnet and go under the wheels .


Or remember the car's registration and have you all arrested. :D

Were there any consequences to the escapade?


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Or remember the car's registration and have you all arrested. :D

Were there any consequences to the escapade?



Yup he is on the NCA's most wanted list, seems they are looking for a clearer picture of him though :lol:


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I've been thinking... dangerous I know, but. All these years I've always thought of that evenings happenings as mildly amusing and have almost forgotten it on occasion but I note others will point out aspects of the situation I hadn't considered. In this instance callousness and safety concerns have been pointed out.

I wonder that those who indicate possible dangerous outcomes would be the first to bemoan the current state of our health and safety regulations. Tis a common trait amongst my peers and those of a certain age (and younger, even) to mock Health and safety regulations, pointing out that they didn't exist in their day and they were free to climb trees, play conkers and British Bulldog and speed down hills on home made soap carts, to name but a few exploits.

I'm from that time but I don't take the Mick out of Health and safety, knowing that those rules and regs have saved a great deal of lives, especially on building and construction sites.

Think also of our young trainee constable featured in this tale, was he not irresponsible to leap onto the bonnet of a moving car? a car, whatsmore, that is performing sideways drifting movements round a roundabout? Now that I've been forced to give this matter some thought I'd say that was a little reckless of the SPC, I think a more sensible option would have been for him to signal us to stop and if we didn't stop, then take the vehicle's registration number and call for assistance.

Those actions would probably have gained him a conviction and not put his life at risk.

When judging a situation it is usually wise to explore every angle ;)


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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I'm a wascal, I'm a wascal :D

Another thing my peers are fond of saying is when they were young they done what their parents, elders and 'betters' told them to do, they had impeccable manners and respect for their elders.

And for the life of me I can't remember being like that at all when I was young. Mischief was the order of the day, limits were there to be pushed and elders and authority figures were there to be disobeyed.

Methinks some folk regularly clean the lenses of their rose tinted spectacles for a better view.


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
what their parents, elders and 'betters' told them to do, they had impeccable manners and respect for their elders..

'Fraid not. We got up to all sorts of things and were regularly told off in no uncertain fashion. :D Mischief was there to be enjoyed despite the repercussions. I'm sure we all have a lot of dark secrets, I know I do. :D


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
'Fraid not. We got up to all sorts of things and were regularly told off in no uncertain fashion. :D Mischief was there to be enjoyed despite the repercussions. I'm sure we all have a lot of dark secrets, I know I do. :D

Glad to hear it :D

But honestly, some folk on Facebook, I think they must have been born old.


Sep 30, 2005
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Best not relate some of the other tales then... :eek:

Oh go on tell all. They can only hang you once :lol:

An that pretend pc was a shilling short of a bob. Or he was a stunt man and fancied some practice.

"And for the life of me I can't remember being like that at all when I was young. Mischief was the order of the day, limits were there to be pushed and elders and authority figures were there to be disobeyed."

Yup that sums it up. Seem pretty normal to me. :nod:

Oh an you are a wascal. :cool:


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I wonder what the Statute of Limitations is on that, offence. :D

(it looks like it's 14 days)


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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With reference to the previous automobile escapade story, here's a snap of the vehicle involved with me mate Phil. And no, Phil wasn't the 'let's scoot sideways round the roundabout' driver.



sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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No tales of teenage derring-do today but rather a moan about one's health.

Unfortunately as a person transforms from a svelte young thing to a wrinkled old prune their body usually slowly starts letting them down in various ways.

Ever since I went walkabout on Wednesday evening snapping away with my camera my right knee has hurt rather badly and coupled with night leg cramp woke me up twice in the early hours of Thursday morning. Searching online I looked on the NHS website who offered a list of symptoms with possible causes and it would appear the most likely cause of my ailment is Bursitis which is kinda like water on the knee.

The site also advised me to leave it a few days before seeing GP as the pain may go away. Well it hasn't so far so I'll wait til Monday and if still in pain see the quack. Will also apply ice packs to knee as advised.

So whilst muttering to myself 'I used to go walkabout until I took an arrow in the knee' I decided to take a couple of paracetamol to ease the pain. Chopped a couple in half and attempted to swallow the first half tablet and it promptly got lodged in my throat and I started choking and gasping for breath. This is the disadvantage of having saliva glands that barely work.

Coughed, spluttered, panicked, wondered whether to try and cough it up or drink more water and wash it down all the while putting out reams of snot everywhere and probably turning purple. Eventually the tablet made it's way down my osephagus and I started breathing properly again.

So what I did was crush the remaining three halves of tablets and bung them in with a home made strawberry smoothie and down they went - as of now no pain - yay!

I've been selling a fair few promotional posters from the years 1982 - 1984 lately, couple of Marillion, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, David Bowie and others. In those years I was playing Rock records at a place called the Clarendon Hotel in Hammersmith every Friday evening and the promoter was also the main fly-posterer in greater London which as you might imagine involved a fair bit of gangster like tactics, he was not a man to be trifled with.

After each batch had been pasted up all over the capital he'd give the left over posters to me to give away to the punters at the Clarendon as a goodwill gesture and naturally I hung on to some myself sometimes. All these years later I've decided to flog 'em and so far they've been going quite well at sixty quid a pop including postage. The postage and the postage tube cost me a tenner so not a bad return for items that have languished in a lockup for 30-odd years. Each of these posters measures 101 x 152 - they're quite big.

The Marillion posters are the most popular but I couldn't sell a ZZ Top poster for love nor money, which surprised me. I also have other items for sale on Ebay under the same user name as my name here and soon I'll be offering a turntable/speed controller for sale on Gumtree.

The sales were spurred by a lack of work coming my way these days though I will be venturing out this Sunday to fit a couple of loudspeakers at a school that's fairly local.

My twin daughters turned 30 years old last Tuesday, now there's a birthday that brings the age thing home to a boy...
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Mar 25, 2003
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Unfortunately as a person transforms from a svelte young thing to a wrinkled old prune their body usually slowly starts letting them down in various ways.

Haha I feel like I'm already on that path! Doesn't bode well :lol:

Sorry to hear about your knee, that must be annoying. It's good that paracetamol helped though. Have you thought about trying the effervescent stuff? Should be easier than pills and it's meant to work a lot quicker too :nod:


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I did wonder whether there were dissolvable painkillers, I shall enquire at my Pharmacist, thanks for the suggestion Becky.


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
@floppybootstomp - ouch! I too am sorry to hear about your painful knee, and, like @Becky, was going to make a suggestion about trying a liquid formula.

Hubby gets some extremely painful bouts of peripheral neuropathy in his left foot. Paracetamol works well at easing the pain, but, rather than swallow yet more tablets (he is on regular meds for various chronic health issues) I keep some "Calpol" in the cabinet. One can take an adult dose from the 6+ version, and I can vouch for the fact that it works quickly. He says it tastes quite pleasant too.

Congrats to your twins! Hope they enjoyed their 30th birthday milestone. :D

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