Five things we don't know about you


Mar 25, 2003
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Thought this might be interesting! Give us five facts that we don't know about you :)

Here are mine:

  1. I'm quite artistic, and in the past couple of years I have taught myself how to paint.
  2. I'm also quite musical, and used to play the piano and dabble with classical singing.
  3. I'm left handed and I can write upside down and back to front at the same time.
  4. I hate sponges; just thinking about them makes my skin crawl.
  5. My favourite film is Kill Bill. Or any Disney. Yup, weird mix.
Let's hear yours! :user:


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
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I'm left handed and I can write upside down and back to front at the same time.

My brother is left handed and pretty much turns the book upside down to write. He also has the neatest hand writing I have ever seen.


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
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Ok here's my 5

1. I am Bipolar
2. I just got a new computer
3. I have a fear for metal structures
4. I can speak 4 languages
5. Baked beans with a full English is enough to have me reaching for the sick bucket.
May 17, 2016
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1. I love Mathematics
2. I do charity events (the latest was running 100km)
3. I have extremely bad hayfever
4. I'll always be softer with pets than people
5. I paint Games Workshop models


Mar 25, 2003
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My brother is left handed and pretty much turns the book upside down to write. He also has the neatest hand writing I have ever seen.

I don't write like that, I just write normally - however I have put a lot of effort into having neat writing! At school all the other left-handers had terrible handwriting, so I made a conscious decision not to be like that!

I can speak 4 languages

Cool! Which 4?

I do charity events (the latest was running 100km)

That's incredible! How long did it take?
May 17, 2016
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For me it was 13 hours, it was up and down hills and along the countryside so quite good views but extremely hard work.
Jan 14, 2006
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1. I'm a painter and have sold one painting and paint in the style of Jackson Pollock.
2. I am very tall & my big sister still refers to me as her little brother!
3. Past part time employment has included TV & Film extra work.
4. Just need A & D groups on my driving licence to have everything that can be driven on a UK driving licence!!
(A = Motorcycles & D = Buses)
5. I once had very curly hair, now instead of a comb over it's bald(saves on posh hair shampoo!!


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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1. I was not expected to survive my birth.

2. I was once the ONLY person on the top of Table Mountain.(The cable car was closed because of strong winds so I walked up).

3. I have absolutely no artistic talent but taught myself to draw using a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. The drawings are nothing spectacular but are far better than they were before I read the book.

4.I have a great interest in World War 1, particularly the naval encounters (100th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland coming up on the 31st)

5.I was once in a blow pipe contest with the village chief, way upstream in the middle of nowhere, in Borneo. The chief won.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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1) Andy Warhol once asked me to turn the volume down.

2) When younger I broke into Hever castle; Chiselhurst Caves; The crypt at Nunhead Cemetery and Dover Castle, just for something to do and see what they were like.

3) Qualifications include Full Radiographer; City & Guilds Electronics Part III; Basic Food and Hygiene Safety certificate; English O Level.

4) I don't have any tattoos or wear any jewellery whatsoever.

5) I have no allergies, including all drugs taken so far, except one – horses.


Feb 23, 2002
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  1. I set up the first version of when I was about 14, swiftly followed by the current domain at 15. More than half a lifetime ago :eek:.
  2. I worked for a rocket company for a short time, which was quite fun at the time.
  3. On a trial flying lesson we almost had a mid-air collision with another student (I was just a passenger at the time!).
  4. I've converted our garage in to workshop, as I'm always building or fixing things.
  5. I'm a Geordie!

5.I was once in a blow pipe contest with the village chief, way upstream in the middle of nowhere, in Borneo. The chief won.

How on earth did you get in to that situation? :D I'm sure there's a story there!


Mar 25, 2003
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This is all fascinating! We're certainly a very interesting and diverse bunch :thumb:
Mar 20, 2012
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I've been mostly absent but logged in an replied to a few posts today, thought I might try and get my activity back up a bit, so here goes:

1. I used to play bass in a local heavy metal band.
2. I went from working construction to computers
3. My university tried to give me the first name "B" due to a strict rule around identification
4. I finally left the states for the first time this year and spent a week in Ireland. I'll need to get over there more often
5. I like to make wood furniture at home when I have the time.


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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1. I cannot drown, I was born with a Caul over my face.
2. Was the lead singer in my own band and played guitar ... The Groovies ... before YouTube. :p
3. Ex RAF ... Airframe Mechanic
4. Had me own business building & repairing PCs
5, Been an inmate at HMPS, twice. :eek:

the, the, that's all folks!


changed the spelling mistake
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Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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5.I was once in a blow pipe contest with the village chief, way upstream in the middle of nowhere, in Borneo. The chief won.

A few years back Kathy and I took a holiday in Borneo which involved the two of us, in a Land Rover, with a guide/driver travelling around Sarawak (the Malaysian bit of Borneo.) Part of the trip was a journey to a remote village which could only be reached by river. We were taken in a canoe with an outboard motor up a tiny stream for a few miles and it was the village chief doing the driving.

We arrived at the village and it consisted of a longhouse, in which everyone lives, and we were greeted by the whole community who did a dance for us and then we had to join in. I'm no dancer but I had to do it. :)

We were shown around the whole village and longhouse and then were given lunch which was very interesting - we've always enjoyed Asian food. The longhouse had several string bags hanging from the walls and these contained shrunken human heads which we were told were many, many years old. It had been the practice a long time earlier to keep the heads of defeated enemies as trophies :eek:. Then a display of blow pipe activity by the chief who then asked me to have a go. The targets were small balloons on tree trunks about 15 feet away. I was surprised how well I did managing to hit a few of the targets. It was then that I realised that this was a contest between the two of us but the chief was a crack shot.

It was a great holiday with another of the highlights being the orang-utans which are common there. Walking in the jungle, a treetop canopy walk, a stay in an hotel on a tiny island in the middle of a lake and a couple of days in Kuala Lumpur and lots more. Loved every minute. :)
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