Hiya Guys

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, my name is Finn.

Found the site after googling something and getting a link here, found that the articles were helpful and accurate and the posts in the forums were friendly and gave good advice.

Using the family pc atm, my dad brought it from dell and ended up getting rambus (it was painfull when i had to pay for a ram upgrade). Planning to get a nice gaming pc for when i go to uni next year.

Hope i will also be able to answer some questions as well as ask them (even if i just google the question - i use it to try and find out everything :D )
Hiya Finn... Yep Ive Found it Nice Here.. And Ive Only Been Here For a Day Or Two... But All Seem Really Cool..:)

Finn A Gaming PC For University??.... Hummm Shouldnt You Be Getting A Nice Studying PC lol :)
Hi Finn, welcome to the site :)

Where are you going to uni?
Hi Finn, welcome to the site :D Its always nice to see a new face round here!

I can imagine the Rambus upgrade was expensive! I had a friend who's parents bought a PC with 2GB of Rambus Memory in it (OUCH!!!!). ;)
I "should" get a pc for doing work, but whats fun about that ;) .

Dont know where i will be going to uni, i am going in 2005 so i havent had to apply yet. Looking at Aston, Manchester, Warwick, Nottingham and Lancaster atm.

I dont want to even think about what it costs to get 2GB of rambus.
Finn said:
I dont want to even think about what it costs to get 2GB of rambus.
I remember having bought my PC back in 1999 when Rambus Ram was new and the ram only cost more than what you pay for half of the standard PC today. :eek: I had problems with the sytem from the word go, later Intel admitted the mobo was faulty and all of the board sold were recalled including mine and a replacement and refund for RD Ram was provided.

Anyway, welcome abaord and hope you enjoy it here as we all do, this being a fun place with very friendly folks.:)
Welcome Finn :D

Mornin coffee is on and I hear a rumour of fresh toast eminating from Mr F B Stomps corner.