Hey Folks

Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hey There :thumb:

Just joined here and hoping to become a regular on your successful forums :)

I'm a 20 (tomorrow) year old Computing student with main interests being web design and networking. Also like music, movie's and general socialising

...Hope to see you around , Steven :)

P.S - Congratulations on the new server upgrade!
Well hello there :) There are quite a few students here (including myself!)
Hiya Hiya Hiya :)

April is a good month to be born in, Me & Mucks on the 6th & 7th, and me Mum today.

Happy birthday to you Squire :D
thanks everyone :)

...going to go check out the rest of the board now :thumb:

oh yeah - like my signature? i made it with ms paint in about 10mins :p
Hi there SMCLINTOCK. I'm a computing student too. The folks here are really nice and helpfull.
Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
Well i just wanna say a member to a future member Thanks for joining and giving your 2 sense. everyone heres very intellegant if you ask me. Ill be 17 may 25 :-P im a youngin but a big computer hobbiest :D all my moneys going to my comptuer and cable :-P well have fun steven hope to see you posting. and by the way im Brett
Hey CSUnited14 :)

Cant say I'm that much of a 'computer hobbiest' but i must've spent a massive amount over the years , probably too much :p

I've just got my faithful laptop now and thats it :) - The only computer related item at the moment.

Hoping to get an MP3 similar to Cache-Man's soon though, except a 20GB+ version