Hey folks :)

Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hiya everyone,

Well, after I stumbled across the board I like what I see and will be sticking around :)

A little about me :) I am an IT Manager for a small company in Hull, East Yorkshire (England), and also run my own site including a nintendo section which is managed by my younger brother. Oh, and there's a games arcade on the main forum with 126 free games there, too - useful if you get bored!!

My speciality is Internet Security for home users - and I also run a "hobby business" around my local area where I visit clients and fix their PC problems for them.

Nice to be a part of the site, I look forward to spending as much time as I can here :)

Welcome to the forum adaytay, your avatar looks like it is spelled in Hindi? Or Gujarati?
Welcome Adatay! Thats a nice site you have there :)
Thanks all,

Quadophile: The font for my avatar is Hirosh, but "Adaytay" is completely unique - first three letters of my first name and first three letters of my surname with a "Y" in the middle for good measure :) I just chose that font as it looked the best with my logo :)
