Hello to PC Review community.


Wannabe Webmaster
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all,
I stumbled accross the site during a late night research session for uni, and I must say I am very impressed - loads of great reviews, articles, and the forums seem to have so much usefull advice submitted by a friendly community.

I am interested in getting into hardware reviewing myself and also contributing to the forums.

Glad to be part of the community.
:) :thumb:
Welcome Cache-Man! I've just replied to your other thread ;)
Welcome to PC Review :) Glad you liked what you saw. Input from people is always appreciated.
My nickname

Just to let you know that the 'cache' in cache-man is the name of a society I'm setting up at the moment at my university.
CACHE stands for "Computing And Computer Hardware Enthusiasts."
clever eh..!

which uni is this then mate? in Grimsby?

tbh i dont even know where that is
i guess its midlands or up north?
I attend the university of Lincoln, but live in Grimsby. Both of which are in Lincolnshire, which is East Midlands (just south of the Humber Estuary)
cool sounds good mate.

This site is really good so many nice ppl here
they helped me a lot over last 2 years

the amount of knowledge ive learnt is incredible!
enjoy ur stay my friend:)
psd99 said:
.............This site is really good so many nice ppl here
they helped me a lot over last 2 years..............

I thought you joined last week;)
Quadophile said:
I thought you joined last week;)

yes i joined two times Quads, my second time was last week! :)
and i didnt recieve any welcome message from u............... )

hope it wasnt nething i typed to offend u
psd99 said:
yes i joined two times Quads, my second time was last week! :)
and i didnt recieve any welcome message from u............... )

hope it wasnt nething i typed to offend u

I can assure you it was not intentional, my apologies:o
Quad, hesitate not my friend you are forgiven! :)

im trying to desperately reach my 1000 post limit that is a goal im looking to acheive v soon then i will be relieved!
Waheyy! I've just noticed I now have 'Senior member' status.
I really feel at home here now. ;)
yep, 100 posts and you are a senior member, you sure have been making a lot of posts lately,

glad to see you enjoy it so much here