Auto Coloring a Row



Hey I have set up Excel with a Drop down option through-out Column G.

If column G = 'Pass' I want that whole row to be Font.Color = Green
If column G = 'Fail' I want the whole row to be Font.Color = Red

How can I get this to occur automatically?

I get all lost not knowing all the functions and parameters that excell uses.

Please help me with this :)


You can use Conditional Formatting.

Select the entire row that you want to fill. Go to Format>Conditiona
Formatting. Select the Formula is: Option and use this for formattin


Click on Format and select the color. Ok.

Click Add>>

For condition 2, use Formula Is


Click on Format and select the color. Ok.

Click on Ok.

Select the entire row again, click on the Format Painter and apply i
to all the rows you need.




1) With A1 selected, Go into <Format><Conditional Formatting>
2) Choose "Formula Is" in the drop down box and enter =$G1="Pass", and
choose a green format
3) Choose to add a condition (by pressing "Add>>"), choose "Formula Is" in
the drop down box again, and enter =$G1="Fail", and choose a red format.
4) Click OK
5) Select A1 and copy the formatting across every column, and down every row
you would like this formatting to occur.

Does that help?


Hey guys none of this helped all that much :S

The entire Column of "G" needs to have this rule applied for ALL rows.
The code you guys gave me is per row capable only.

Is there a wild card I can use? ex =$G*="Pass"

or a way to apply the rule of Column "G" coloring each row to the whole


This should work. Using $G1 in your conditional format will allow you
to drag the formula accross columns or vertically down rows keeping
column G as the reference column and only changing the row number as it
is copied down. Not sure without seeing an example of what you are
trying to accomplish though.


Gord Dibben

"ALL" rows?

CTRL + a(twice in 2003) to select every row of the sheet.

Format>CF and enter the 2 conditions as you were shown.

Make sure you use =$G1="Pass" for condition1 and =$G1="Fail" for

NOTE the $ sign to lock column G but not the row number.

I think formatting the entire sheet is a bit much. Perhaps you could
select cells A1:X500 or somesuch range.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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