Vids:mjpg decompressor




I've tried to insert a new media clip into a powerpoint presentation a
an object but i get the following message;

Video not available, cannot find 'vids:mjpg' decompressor

The video clip plays in media player and i can hear the sound i
powerpoint but get no image. The file type is .avi and was recored by
digital camera.

Can any one recommend a way around this or an update that might resov
the situation?

Thanks in advance

TAJ Simmons

Dear Jaffa Cake King,

My answer is still the must learn to read the replies ;)

I can assure you it works for most digicam digital camera video clips that have this mjpeg vids decompressor problem

Please read the 1st tip in the "workarounds" section (at the end of this page)

TAJ Simmons
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