System error &H8000FFFF (-2147418113)


Chip Pearson

You need to call the FormatMessage API function to translate the system
error code to descriptive text. I have a procedure on my web site called
GetSystemErrorMessageText that declares all the relevant constants, takes
care of the string buffer handling, and returns a VBA string containing the
error message. See .

Dim MsgText As String
Dim ErrNum As Long
ErrNum = &H8000FFFF
MsgText = GetSystemErrorMessageText(ErrNum)
Debug.Print MsgText

In your case, FormatMessage for &H8000FFFF returns "Catastrophic failure".
Not very descriptive. Some BAD happened. Could you post the code that
produces the error?

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
(email address is on the web site)


Code in form:
Private Sub cboEnd_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub optUvolneniTechnologemAno_Change()
If optUvolneniTechnologemAno Then
lblDatumUvolneni.Visible = True
txtDatumUvolneni.Visible = True
lblUvolnil.Visible = True
cboUvolnil.Visible = True
lblDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = False
txtDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = False
lblDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = True
txtDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = True
lblDatumUvolneni.Visible = False
txtDatumUvolneni.Visible = False
lblUvolnil.Visible = False
cboUvolnil.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub optUvolneniTechnologemNe_Change()
If optUvolneniTechnologemNe Then
lblDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = True
txtDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = True
lblDatumUvolneni.Visible = False
txtDatumUvolneni.Visible = False
lblUvolnil.Visible = False
cboUvolnil.Visible = False
lblDatumUvolneni.Visible = True
txtDatumUvolneni.Visible = True
lblUvolnil.Visible = True
cboUvolnil.Visible = True
lblDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = False
txtDuvodNeuvolneni.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

With mpKarty.Pages("pgKarta1")
.Caption = "HlaviÄka"
.ControlTipText = "HlaviÄka operace"
End With
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then Exit Do
cboTechnolog.AddItem ActiveCell.Value
cboUvolnil.AddItem ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

End Sub

If you need image of form, send me you e-mail address.
Since book doesn't go save, cannot him send.

Chip Pearson píše:

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