IE6 Zoomin.htm, Zoomout.htm



I am unable to locate the above files. Where can I find or obtain them to
allow zooming on web pages?
The files are no t in the Windows/Web directory.
Thanks for your help, norbt

Alan Edwards

IE5 Web Accessories:

For IE6, a minor problem is in Images List you need to press F5 to
refresh the blank list.

This problem has always been there:
From a previous post by Ronnie Vernon MVP:

There is a bug in the web accessories.

To fix it, use Notepad to open ZOOMIN.HTM (found usually in
and edit it to read both image dimensions before setting any of them:

old contents:
h = parentwin.event.srcElement.height * 2;
parentwin.event.srcElement.height = h;
w = parentwin.event.srcElement.width * 2;
parentwin.event.srcElement.width = w;

new contents (the 3rd line in the fragment above moved up):
h = parentwin.event.srcElement.height * 2;
w = parentwin.event.srcElement.width * 2;
parentwin.event.srcElement.height = h;
parentwin.event.srcElement.width = w;

Do the same for ZOOMOUT.HTM.


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