HD Technology?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
A very pleasant lady phoned me today from HD Technology, which, she said, has Microsoft approval, to tell me that my PC has issues and was " sending out information, some of which is personal".

I asked her who she was and where she was and she replied that she was "at the HD Server." I told her that I did not require any of her services, said "goodbye" and hung up. Didn't bother to find out how much money I would have to send to have my issues put right.

Anyone else heard of this lot? Checked on the net but didn't find anything.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I'm jolly rude to cold callers :)

I usually tell them to go forth and multiply. Some of the more spirited callers return the compliment :lol:

Up against the wall with the lot of them :mad:

Latest one I been getting is an email advising me of a recent BACS payment with a file attached. The attached file, surprise surprise, has an *.exe extension :rolleyes:

Only reason I opened the first email (not the attachment) is because I am actually expecting several BACS payments. Uncanny foresight on behalf of the crooks or mere coincidence? Makes me wonder sometimes.


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Pal of mine , a while back, had a call telling him his computer had problems. He listened for a while about making sure he contacted them for more advice and then calmly told them that he doesn't own a computer. And the truth is that he really doesn't.

He said that the caller was speechless and eventually hung up. :D

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